This calculator generates graphs showing the performance crossover point for emulation vs. FPGA-based prototyping.
- Enter values for Bring up Time, Clock Speed, Unit Test Time, and Cost per Gate.
- Enter Number of Runs and click Calculate.
The graph plots the Number of Runs against Time. Time is calculated from the Number of Runs multiplied by the Unit Test Time. A given Unit Test Time is specified for Emulation, which then generates the Unit Test Time for prototyping, using the ratio of Clock Speeds.
The plot also accounts for Bring up Time, which adds an offset to each curve. The Number of Runs determines how far out to calculate the curves.
A second curve for prototyping is generated showing the effect of running prototypes in parallel (replicates). This curve is generated using the ratio of Cost per Gate.
The table shows Elapsed Time in hours as well as days (both 8-hour days, and running 24/7.