S2C Limited.
S2C Limited.

S2C Prodigy Player Pro 6.3 Advances FPGA Prototyping with Progressive Design Partition and Multi-FPGA Debug Capabilities

S2C Prodigy Player Pro 6.3 Advances FPGA Prototyping with Progressive Design Partition and Multi-FPGA Debug Capabilities Jun 06, 2016

San Jose, CA —— June 6, 2016 - S2C, a worldwide leader of FPGA-based prototyping solutions for today's innovative designs, announced today that its Prodigy™ Player Pro 6.3 Runtime and Compile Software allows for more advanced usage of FPGA prototyping with leading-edge partition and multiple FPGA debug capabilities for both Xilinx and Altera FPGA devices.

"We have been working closely with our customers to develop functionality that can truly help drive more efficient FPGA prototyping," said Toshio Nakama, CEO of S2C, Inc. "As a result, we are able to introduce technology in our next generation Prodigy Player Pro that will significantly ease the pain associated with partitioning and debug. These latest additions continue to reinforce the value that a complete prototyping platform delivers."

Advanced Partitioning

Although FPGA capacity has increased dramatically, today's complex designs still require quite a bit of partitioning that can be painful and arduous. S2C's latest edition of Prodigy Player Pro contains significant advances in multi-board partitioning capabilities to ease the burden. New features for compiling the design include:

  • Virtex and Kintex UltraScale FPGA Support
     - Support for Pin Multiplexing using up to 1.6GHz LVDS

  • Multi-Board Partition Flow
     - Fully automatic multi-board project set up with flexible cable connections
     - Mix Quad, Dual and Single Logic Modules from the same FPGA family
     - Cable set-up after partition to see performance impact

  • Faster Partition Process
     - Black box design hierarchies that do not need to be involved in partitioning
     - Faster and improved partition engine
     - Auto-partitioning of global constraint files based on design partition results and supported global clocks, critical paths and false paths

  • Added features to improve partition results
     - Estimation of system performance before running FPGA P&R allows users to adjust partition strategy
     - Automatic generation of top-level simulation netlist

New features for controlling and monitoring the design include:

  • Addition of Single/PCIe/Dual VU and Single/Quad KU support

  • Addition of multi-board support (standalone & Cloud Cube mode)

  • Prodigy daughter card auto detection and voltage protection functions

Multi-FPGA Debug

Identifying and correcting complex and deeply embedded bugs can be a daunting task as these types of bugs are typically only caught after millions of cycles. Simulation is much too slow. Traditional FPGA debug tools don't work either as debug is only done one FPGA at a time with limited trace depth using internal memory. Not only does this manual process become arduous, but also introduces the possibility of even more errors occurring as rectifying one error may cause another error to occur in a different FPGA but not be identified until much later. This process can potentially get stuck as an endless loop. S2C’s Prodigy Player Pro is tightly integrated with S2C&rsquo's soon-to-be-released Prodigy Multi-Debug Module that allows for simultaneous debugging of multiple FPGA boards that will significantly reduce error prone issues that arise with manual single FPGA debug methods as well as drastically speed up FPGA prototyping debug. The Prodigy Multi-Debug Module is currently in beta and will officially be released this summer.

About S2C

With over 200 customers, S2C's focus is on SoC/ASIC development to reduce the SoC design cycle. Our highly qualified engineering team and customer-centric sales force understands our users’ SoC development needs. S2C systems have been deployed by leaders in consumer electronics, communications, computing, image processing, data storage, research, defense, education, automotive, medical, design services, and silicon IP. S2C is headquartered in San Jose, CA with offices and distributors around the globe including the UK, Israel, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. For more information, visit: www.s2ceda.com.

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