S2C Limited.
S2C Limited.

【Finished】RISC-V CON 2023


近年RISC-V以開源、精簡及可擴充的彈性配置備受矚目,在全球掀起運算新風潮。32/64位元嵌入式CPU核心供應商晶心科技身為RISC-V協會創始首席會員,已推出多款RISC-V處理器解決方案。為了進一步推廣RISC-V,晶心將於8月4日在新竹國賓飯店舉辦年度RISC-V CON研討會,今年首度採實體暨線上並行方式,以「引領RISC-V運算大時代‧駕馭未來多元新應用」為主題,介紹改變新興運算面貌的RISC-V靈活優勢,並分享晶心協助RISC-V生態系實現多元應用的創新技術。

為了迎接從終端到雲端的新興運算時代,全球科技大廠紛紛擁抱RISC-V。RISC-V國際協會(RISC-V International)的企業會員已超過300家,快速壯大的生態陣容,顯示出適合人工智慧、物聯網、伺服器、資料中心等多元應用的RISC-V架構逐漸成為業界主流。晶心布局RISC-V多年,致力於發展以RISC-V架構為基礎的創新處理器核心及開發平台,並推出一系列高效能且低功耗的RISC-V處理器核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,同時與諸多合作夥伴通力合作,攜手打造完善的RISC-V生態系及產業鏈。


  • Time: 2023.5.16

  • Location:台湾新竹

  • Booth: No.1

About S2C

S2C is a leading global supplier of FPGA prototyping solutions for today's innovative SoC and ASIC designs, now with the second largest share of the global prototyping market. S2C has been successfully delivering rapid SoC prototyping solutions since 2003. With over 500 customers, including 6 of the world's top 15 semiconductor companies, our world-class engineering team and customer-centric sales team are experts at addressing our customer's SoC and ASIC verification needs. S2C has offices and sales representatives in the US, Europe, mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan.

Event Contact

Andrew Wu

MARCOM Specialist

S2C Limited

Emai: marketing@s2ceda.com

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Xilinx KU115
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Xilinx VU13P
Xilinx VU9P
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Segmentation tool
Multiple FPGA debugging tools
Co-modeling tool (allows large amounts of data to interact between FPGA and PC host)
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